Requires a minimum of 60 credit hours
In order to enter into the associate degree program, a student must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent. Students without such a diploma may enroll on a probationary basis.
Materials for each course in this program consist of a series of audio or video lectures, a textbook, or a workbook and an additional book or books. The student is required to listen or view to the audio/video lectures; or to read the textbook and then answer the questions prepared by CTS for the audio/video lectures or textbook. This process may require that the student listen/view the lectures, or read the textbook several times. The student is then required to prepare an outline from each audio/video lesson, or each chapter in the textbook. Also, the student is required to type a five paragraph essay describing three things that he or she learned from the course. The student must also read an additional book(s) related to the subject matter being taught or another assigned book(s) for that course and prepare a three (3) page book report (what the book teaches) on each additional book(s).
For courses using workbooks, the student is required to complete the workbook and to write a summary of the theme of the book(s) of the Bible that is/are used in the workbook. All outlines, essays, and summaries are to be prepared as per the required format provided in the appendix of this catalog.
NOTE: A student cannot begin studies in a new course unless all requirements for the previous course have been completed and submitted.
For more details, click below:
For each audio/video, or textbook course in the associate program, the course test will comprise 60% of the course grade, the outlines will comprise 10% of the course grade, the essays will comprise 10% of the course grade, and the book report will comprise 20% of the course grade. For Bible courses using workbooks, the test will comprise 70% of the course grade and the summary will comprise 30% of the course grade as there is no outline, essay, nor book report. For General Studies courses, the test will comprise 100% of the grade.
1. IS 0713 Intercultural Studies Ministry Practicum (45 supervised hours) (3 hours);
2. IS 0723 The Missionary Task (3 hours);
3. IS 0733 Contextualization and the Indigenous Church (3 hours);
4. IS 0743 Church Planting Movements (3 hours);
5. IS 0753 Money and Missions (3 hours);
6. IS 0763 Cults and World Religions (3 hours);
7. IS 0773 Orality and Storytelling (3 hours);
8. IS 0783 Revival and Community Transformation (3 hours);
9. IS 0793 Community Development (3 hours);
10. IS 0803 Missions in a Pluralistic, Postmodern World (3 hours)
TOTAL: 30 hours
Note 1: If the student has not taken thirty (30) hours of general studies courses, he or she must take the missing courses and then the above required courses.
Note 2: If the student has not taken SG 5163 The Normal Christian Life, SG 0513 The Purpose Driven Life, SG 5273 The Bait of Satan, SG 5103 Could You Not Tarry One Hour, SG 5123 Communion with God, and MN 5513 The Seven Mountain Strategy, he or she must take these courses as a part of the thirty (30) hours of general studies courses.
Note 3: A Bachelor’s Degree of Ministry in Intercultural Studies requires thirty (30) hours of Intercultural Studies courses.
Covenant Theological Seminary has been declared by the appropriate state authority exempt from the requirements for licensure under provisions of North Carolina General Statutes Section (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from licensure is not based upon any assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.
All degrees of Covenant Theological Seminary are of an ecclesiastical nature, and whether granted or conferred, are in the restricted area of religion with the special purpose of preparing persons to work in the area of religion, whether educational or ministerial; they are not designed to be used in general academic circles.
Transferability of credits earned at Covenant Theological Seminary and transferred to another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. The degree programs of this seminary are designed solely for religious vocations.
Credits and degrees earned from independent colleges in the State of North Carolina, which are authorized by the State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities, do not qualify the holder for a state teaching certification, nor do they qualify him or her to participate in professional licensing examinations. Any person interested in obtaining a state teaching certificate or practicing a regulated profession should contact the appropriate regulatory agency in the field of his/her interest.
None required.